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HomeComplaints procedure

Complaints procedure

We want to continually improve our care. You can help us with this.
We strive to make you feel at ease and at home at Gender Surgery Amsterdam.

However, it may happen that you as a client, family or interested party are not satisfied with the care, service or the way you have been treated. If you are satisfied with our services, we would be happy to hear that! Complaining has a negative sound for many people. That is a pity, because complaints and compliments contribute to improving the situation for you and for us. A complaint we see at Gender Surgery Amsterdam, as an advice to improve the quality of care.

How can you complain?

If you are dissatisfied and would like to make a complaint about this, please discuss this with the person in question first. A conversation can often solve a lot.

However, it may not be possible to come to a solution or to discuss the complaint with the person concerned. You can then send an e-mail to the complaints officer of Gender Surgery Amsterdam or reach him/her by telephone. After receiving the complaint, you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Email address complaints officer:

Disputes Committee

Gender Surgery Amsterdam is a member of Zelfstandige Klinieken Nederland (ZKN) (Dutch Independent Clinics) and meets the hallmark requirements as set out by ZKN. ZKN is joined to the disputes committee of ZKN. All members of ZKN are automatically joined. More information on this topic can be found at (“ZKN-keurmerk”)

Comments, compliments or points of improvement

It goes without saying that we would like to hear your suggestions to improve our services and the way things are going in our clinic. You can leave your tips and ideas with us via your practitioner (specialist, nurse, therapist) and via our reception staff. If you let your voice be heard, we can better tailor our approach to your wishes.